Getting Calls from Home-Assistant using SIP integration

Hey People.
After playing around with my FreePBX and This Project I finally present a way to get calls for certain events like I leave the house and let some lights on (Which is normally impossible as they should turn off when I leave the house. But this is only an example how you can receive calls from Home-Assistant.

I know this project is still in beta but already ready-to-use state, I want to present my setup:

In this guide, I will show you how to setup a service call that can call a SIP endpoint, say something and hangup.


For this guide you will need the following:

  • Googletts
    • Preinstalled in the add-on
    • If your not using the add-on, you can install it here.
  • Asterisk integration installed

Dialplan (FreePBX [extensions_custom.conf] / HassIO-Addon [ extensions.conf])

First, let’s make a dialplan extension.

[speech]                                       ; The context
exten => 123,1,Answer()                        ; Answer the call
exten => 123,n,agi(googletts.agi,"${TEXT}",en) ; Execute the googletts agi script with the TEXT variable


service: asterisk.originate
  channel: PJSIP/100            # The device it will call
  context: speech               # The context we created in the dialplan
  exten: '123'                  # The extension inside that context
  priority: '1'                 # Priority of the call
  caller_id: 'Home Assistant'   # The callerID it calls as
  timeout: 60                   # Time until giving up
  variables: TEXT: Hello world! # Variables that you can use in the dialplan

Example: Get a call if doors or windows are still open or if lights are still on when you leave the house

For this to work you simply have to create a group with all window and door / lights entities in your house.

Add to extensions.conf (HassIO-Addon) / or extensions_custom.conf (FreePBX)

[home-assistant-lights]                          ; The context
exten => 123,1,Answer()                          ; Answer the call
exten => 123,n,agi(googletts.agi,"${LIGHTS}",en) ; Execute the googletts agi script with the LIGHTS variable

[home-assistant-windows-doors]                       ; The context
exten => 123,1,Answer()                              ; Answer the call
exten => 123,n,agi(googletts.agi,"${WINDOWDOOR}",en) ; Execute the googletts agi script with the WINDOWDOOR variable

After you can make service calls like this:

  channel: SIP/8002
  context: home-assistant-windows-doors
  exten: '123'
  priority: '1'
  caller_id: Home Assistant
  timeout: 60
    WINDOWDOOR: "Attention. The following doors or windows are still open:  {{ dict((states|selectattr('entity_id', 'in', state_attr('group.windows_doors', 'entity_id'))|list)|groupby('state'))['on']|map(attribute='name')|list|join('.......... ') }}" 

Full automation Example:

Lights still turned on

- alias: sip - call if lights still on
    platform: state
    entity_id: group.persons
    from: "home"
    to: "not_home"
    for: "00:00:03"
    - condition: state
      entity_id: group.windows_doors
      state: "on"
    - service: asterisk.originate
        channel: SIP/8002
        context: home-assistant-lights
        exten: '123'
        priority: '1'
        caller_id: Home Assistant (Lights On)
        timeout: 60
          LIGHTS: "Attention. The following lights are still on:  {{ dict((states|selectattr('entity_id', 'in', state_attr('group.lights_house', 'entity_id'))|list)|groupby('state'))['on']|map(attribute='name')|list|join(' ...... ') }}" 

Open Windows and doors

- alias: sip - call if door or window is open
    platform: state
    entity_id: group.persons
    from: "home"
    to: "not_home"
    for: "00:00:03"
    - condition: state
      entity_id: group.windows_doors
      state: "on"
    - service: asterisk.originate
        channel: SIP/8002
        context: home-assistant-windows-doors
        exten: '123'
        priority: '1'
        caller_id: Home Assistant (Windows / Doors open)
        timeout: 60
          WINDOWDOOR: "Attention. The following Windows or Doors are still open:  {{ dict((states|selectattr('entity_id', 'in', state_attr('group.windows_doors, 'entity_id'))|list)|groupby('state'))['on']|map(attribute='name')|list|join(' ...... ') }}" 

Checking to see if this is still working?

Well done! Thanks

*Hi, *
I’m also playing with this at them moment and managed to ring my internal sip extension. What I want is to ring my actual mobile phone number.
I set up a trunk and I am able to place outgoing calls with a softphone to my mobile.
How would I set the originate action to place an outgoing call via my trunk? Do you have an idea?

Managed to do it:

service: asterisk.send_action
  action: Originate
    channel: PJSIP/number-to-call@tunk-name
    context: from-pstn
    exten: s
    priority: 1
    callerid: <actual-trunk-phone-#>
    timeout: 60000

It is.
At least with a FreePBX instance.