I have installed Mosquito and have configured it to connect to a remote MQTT server. When I listen to the topic I get all the values, but when I try to configure a sensor base on one of those values I get nothing.
Any idea of what I’m doing wrong, or how can I get this to work.
This is basically data from a BMS that I want to publish into HA in order to control devices depending of the status of my battery.
It’s hard to read it in your picture, but it looks like the topic you’re listening to is another than in your sensor.
Please post code, not pictures of it.
both topics are from the same server. Actually my intention is to put Batrium/7410/# and be able to record several variables across.
On the MQTT addon i am able to see all the data, but even if I don’t press stop listening it will stop once I leave.
If the payload’s length exceeds 255 characters, it will not be displayed. That’s because an entity’s state can store a maximum of 255 characters.
Looking at the truncated screenshot you posted, it’s unclear if the JSON payload exceeds 255 characters. However, I suspect it does because when you used a value_template:
{{ value_json.MinCellVolt }}
the extracted value was shorter and that’s why it was displayed.