Hi everyone, my first post on here and just got HA running on my NAS under a VM. I’m having PV installed in a couple of months with a Solis Hybrid 5G inverter & Pylontech batteries. My aim is to get all the relevant data into the HA energy dashboard in real time. Additionally the ability to command the inverter with some HA automation like solar prediction to control grid import/charing to maximise efficiency.
Having read countless threads on various forums I am a bit confused so any wisdom would be very much appreciated.
Options and questions:
Some people are screen scraping data from the Solis cloud website, 6 minute delay, and read only, so no ability to command the inverter. I’m discounting this.
What hardware? Someone took their wifi data logger apart to splice in a USB connection to a Raspberry Pie. Soldering adapters via [USB] (https://smile.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B08CGXBSTF/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1) / convertors… Is this really needed?
Guessing having the LAN data logger plugged in the RS485 isn’t sufficient to receive and send data/commands? MQTT bridge cable? And another option found was serial/MQTT. Confused.
MODBUS / MQTT / Reading & Writing Registers… I’m guessing this is how the data is captured and interpreted into HA? Then there’s some Python code into the mix, not sure what’s needed.
NodeRed - I think the flow of logic from the inverter is: RS485-LAN module → HA NodeRed instance → HA dashboard. But how any of the above plays into this, I’m not sure.
Are there any predefined templates/integrations for all this? I know every element can be bespoke, but anything would be a start. Found some sensor integration.
Solis LAN or wifi stick? From what i’ve read on this thread, wifi isn’t great?
Apart from the Solis inverter and data logging stick, do I need other hardware/adapters?
Having telemetry in HA energy dashboards would be great and some have succeeded! eg: dashboard
I know its supposed to be a fun learning opportunity, just need to get the ball rolling with a nudge in the correct direction as I’m not sure if I’m reading older forum posts to get data into HA via their own dashboard or if a lot of this isn’t needed since HA released the Energy dashboard integrations.
I will start with reading all of @abinitio1980 posts and would really appreciate a steer from those of you that have some/all of this working.