Getting data from URL

I am trying to create a sensor that extracts data from a URL. I know this is JSON data, but dont quite get how to process it, can someone give me some advice on this, the URL is

and the data that it returns looks like

  "liveRainfallLevelsData" : [ {
    "dateTime" : "2020-10-22 23:18:00",
    "currentRainfallLevel" : 0.00,
    "cumulativeRainfallLevel" : 0.00
  }, {
    "dateTime" : "2020-10-22 23:12:00",
    "currentRainfallLevel" : 0.00,
    "cumulativeRainfallLevel" : 0.00
(lots more of them)

I really just want the 3 pieces of data from the first one, which is the newest entry

Try like this:

  - platform: rest
    resource: ""
    name: Current Rainfall Level
    value_template: '{{ value_json.liveRainfallLevelsData[0].currentRainfallLevel }}'

Thanks, It creates the sensor, but it doesnt return any data image

Thereā€™s a typo in my post should be liveRainfallLevels not liveRainFallLevels, I corrected my post, please try again.

Yep that does it. I see how it works now, thanks again.

One last question, what would I add to get the timestamp as an attribute?

You could create a REST sensor that contains the three data points (current, cumulative, timestamp) instead of just the current level. And then extract them with a separate template sensor.

Sorry for crashing this thread hereā€¦
Iā€™m a absolute beginner with Home Assistant.
Could you give me some hints where to add this ā€œrest sensorā€.
I have a very similar case and like to read some data from a api url string (hope this description is correct) but my use case look very similar the the one explaned here in this threat.

I like to read all 6 variables from this url (like open, temp, etc).

Not sure if I have to use developer mode or to change any config file inside home assistant. Hope you could support me.
Thanks !
BR Matze

That post is 4 years old. It is better to start a new topic on what you want to do.

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