Getting device to "re-broadcast" to tasmota

Hi there,

After a rebuild of my HA ive installed tasmota but, none of the devices are showing up…is there anyway for them to be forced into it…?

Cheers to anyone that helps.

Hello comfysofa,

All the Tasmota devices need to have setoption19 set to 0 for the Home Assistant integration to function. You also need to enable the Home Assistant Integration and restart Home Assistant.

Hi - i did see someone mention “set option 19” where is that…all the documentation talks about it but doesnt explain where i have to go to set it?

The console of the device when you log into it.
If you are maintaining Tasmota devices, go to the Tasmota website and understand it first.

When you say the console…i log into the ip/web interface…is it in there?

Maybe this addon will help you…Need basic knowledge first, though…

Or if you are running Docker stuff

Thanks…totally missed the console option on the gui…thats all i should need. Apologies for not opening eyes a bit more!