Getting Energy Dashboard to track costs

I’m using Energy Dashboard to track grid consumption, solar production, grid return, and gas (LPG) consumption. It is tracking all these quite accurately, but I’m having great difficulty in trying to get the Dashboard to show costs. I’ll here work with gas since it is the simplest. I have a sensor that counts the cubic feet consumed and I pay a set cost per gallon delivered. I set up these utility meters:

  source: sensor.gas_flow_total
  cycle: hourly
  source: sensor.gas_flow_total
  cycle: daily
  source: sensor.gas_flow_total
  cycle: weekly
  source: sensor.gas_flow_total
  cycle: monthly
  source: sensor.gas_flow_total
  cycle: yearly

The gas flow sensors (in ESPHome) are so:

- platform: pulse_meter
  pin: GPIO12
  device_class: gas
  state_class: measurement
  unit_of_measurement: 'ft³'
  name: 'Gas Flow'
  icon: mdi:propane-tank-outline
  accuracy_decimals: 0
  internal_filter: 2400 ms
  internal_filter_mode: pulse

    device_class: gas
    state_class: total_increasing
    unit_of_measurement: 'ft³'
    name: 'Gas Flow Total'
    icon: mdi:propane-tank-outline
    accuracy_decimals: 0

In energy dashboard, gas consumption points to Gas Flow Total, and just now shows 3 cubic feet used for the day, week, and month (today is the first) and this agrees with the states page for the utility meter sensors. A static price for each cubic meter is set, but the dashboard shows zero costs for the day, week, and month. What could I be missing here? Thanks for any help.