Getting energy sensor data from Tuya Smart Plug

I try to get the values for current voltage, current and power from the Tuya integration. I use the latest version of the integration and HA (2022.5.5). When I add the Smart Plug (Luminea NX-4458-919 outdoor WiFi plug) I get only an entity for switching the plug on/off. When I integrate the plug via LocalTuya I get the corresponding DPS (18, 19 & 20) with the correct values. Also in the Tuya IoT developer console I can get the values from the linked devise by getting the “Debug Device”.

Any idea why the data is not shown in HA?

The values are attributes…did you check the entity via developer tools for that plug?
Example for mine

Unfortunately, for that plug the attributes do not exist:

odd… and your local tuya setup shows something like this (.storage/core_config_entries) ?

Yes, I can see the values and they match the ones that are shown in the Tuya mobile app and also in the Tuya IoT developer dashboard.


If also the other values match (device/entities/etc…) then I am lost …
You could try to remove and reïnstall it in localtuya…requires probably a new local key

And today there was also this post… but that would be a last resort option I would say
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As said: LocalTuya is working fine. But the values are missing with the “regular” Tuya integration that gets the values from the Tuya cloud. And there are two reasons why I would like to use the regular cloud integration. First of all, I am a little bit afraid that communicating with LocalTuya and additionally with the cloud integration would block each other as the device can only have one TCP connection. Secondly, I would like to have the exact same numbers in the mobile app (that I still use) and the HA dashboard.
Additionally, there are some complaints in the forum about this behaviour. And I am not sure if the is a general problem or is only affecting specific devices.

Now you are adding additional demands :slight_smile:
Anyhow, my findings on localtuya plugs is that I can see/use them from both the HA web the HA app and the tuya app…do with that info as you like :slight_smile: