Getting error after upgrade to Supervisor 207

Been running for about 3 months on a docker installation.

When I did the update this morning to supervisor 207, the system originally failed to finish in the upgrade. When restarting, the following error occurs in the 207 docker container:

hassio_supervisor | Resetting last boot...                                                                                                                 
hassio_supervisor | Starting hassio...                                                                                                                     
hassio_supervisor | /usr/local/bin/python3: No module named hassio                                                                                         
hassio_supervisor exited with code 1 

Leaving me in quite the quandary.

I reset my docker image back to 206, deleting the 207 image, just to see if that would mitigate and at least try to redo the upgrade, but basically it starts the upgrade process again, and never succeeds.

Any advice is welcome

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Ok… after fiddling around and making sure I had good backups of everything, I did the following to make it work.

Basically I was using a version of the install that was not using the hassio-supervisor service, but just using docker to manage restart of supervisor. Not sure how I got this, but no doubt this was a non standard installation.

So I backtracked. Since I have all my data in exported volumes in docker, I deleted all of my containers. Made sure the service configuration was property configured to point to my share in /etc/hassio.json. Since my directories were different. (perhaps the root cause??).

And restarted the service

And everything came back up.

So ok for now. We shall see if it lasts.