Getting Errors in HA log since I renamed an ESP8266 device on ESP Home

I renamed a device in ESP home and I was messing around with static IP’s and completely screwed up one of my ESP8266 modules so I ended up having to add it again. Now I get this in my HA log file.

I think I need to manually edit something to fix this to remove the old device?

Platform esphome does not generate unique IDs. ID relaycontrollightrelayredled already exists - ignoring light.relayredled

11:45:30 – (ERROR) Light - message first occurred at 11:45:30 and shows up 2 times

Platform esphome does not generate unique IDs. ID relaycontrolswitchsiren_on already exists - ignoring switch.siren_on

11:45:30 – (ERROR) Switch - message first occurred at 11:45:30 and shows up 3 times

I’ve had this error for months and I just can’t figure out how to get past it.