Getting every hour input in my logfile: Sonoff sensor Checkin event was fired

Have recently installed ZHA. Works fine without issues. Except the input at my logfile which comes every hour:
“Temp & Luftfeuchte Sensor Arbeitszimmer Checkin event was fired”
No further issue. Sensor is always available. Have another sensor from aqara, which is sending every ~4-5 hours a logfile

I found an workaround which seems to be logical, but its not working for me:

From ZHA device card > Reconfigure > Manage zigbee device > (Clusters) PollControlcluster > (Attributes) checkin_interval and click read attribute. Mine for my water valve was 28 and way too frequent. I changed it to 500 and it doesn’t fill my logger anymore. You can change it to a higher value and test.

Have not such attributes

I have some questions on that:
how often will be the log file deleted? If it will be done i.e. every two days, than it should not become a file size issue.
Which workdaround do you recommend in case of a file size issue?

Thx for your help!

Every time you restart home assistant the log file is copied to homeassistant.log.1 then cleared.

Logging text a line of text 24 times a day (i.e. every hour) will not increase the size of the log file much at all. You could go months and months without it being any sort of issue. And if you update Home Assistant every month it won’t be (as you need to restart).

You have nothing to worry about.