I’m a newbie to HA but have been using Node red for some time and I thought I would give HA a try to see how I get on with it.
So far all has gone well and it’s discovered some devices I have around the house but I cannot seem to get HA to work with some MQTT data I have, I have watched a few videos but none of them help.
I have two sensors sending Temp data via MQTT and two door sensors and an IR sensor sending trigger notifications via MQTT, my question is how do I get these messages into HA?
I have setup an external MQTT server in the MQTT integration and I can listen for the messages and see them in the test area but I have no idea how to display the data in a dashboard, some tutorials say I have to edit the YAML configuration file so I installed the file editor but that just spins a multi coloured spinner and does nothing.
Surely I’m missing something flippin obvious!!!
Any help would be greatefully received