Getting HA Google Hangouts integration working

Hi all. I’m trying to get my Hassio to use the Google Hangouts integration functionality. I’m using a new Google account I just created for this. There is no 2 factor authentication. The documentation on the Home Assistant website seems outdated. The link there takes you to a Google page with a spinning icon and nothing ever happens after that. Trying to lift the code from my browser’s cookies is a no-go because there isn’t one called OAuth. I even tried creating a Google API for “APIs and Services”, but that failed because they want “authorized domains” and I’m just using an dynip subdomain with the service. And Google is slapping that down. Is there any known way to get Hangouts integration working currently?

I cannot find any evidence that anyone responds to the problems with hangouts integration. I have been searching through the comments, and there is not much recent. You are correct that the documentation is incorrect. Just try to login to your gmail account, and you can get the oauth_code that way. However, I cannot get the rest to work. I put in the correct address, the correct password and this code, but it is never authorized. I have tried a dozen times, so am certain that the information is correct.

It did allow me to create the integration the first time, but then notifications did not work. So, I tried reinstalling, but now I seem permanently locked out. Very frustrating. I need to step away from the computer for awhile.