Getting information as displayed in Energy dashboard graphs

Hi all,

simple question: is the information as displayed in the energy dashboard available somewhere to plot in other graphs?
e.g. I have a heat pump that reports total energy used a few times per day and then resets at the end of the day. The energy dashboard can translate that nicely into energy used per day, month, etc.
I could probably build template sensors that do something similar but is there a way to access this dail/monthly etc information more directly?


You can use energy dashboard cards in other dashboards:

Short answer: no

Long answer: This data is generated when needed by the energy dashboard from the data in the statistics table in the recorder database. If you want a daily/monthly/yearly total you would have to interrogate the database and generate these values yourself using the SQL sensor. Or use utility meters to make new entities.

OK, thanks. I’ll give that a try.