Getting IR Remote Codes

Hi i set up everything for my ESP8266 like described here: Remote Transmitter — ESPHome

The dump of my raw remote signal looks like this:

[16:00:54][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: -9070, 4510, -576, 568, -571, 564, -601, 538, -599, 540, -597, 541, -575, 564, -598, 541, -573, 566, -597, 541, -574, 565, -599, 539, -573, 566, -598, 1653, -599, 1652, -574, 565, -573, 565, -573, 566, -575, 1675, -599, 541, -598, 540,
[16:00:54][D][remote.raw:041]:   -574, 565, -573, 566, -573, 565, -599, 540, -598, 1652, -599, 539, -573, 1677, -573, 1677, -597, 1653, -574, 1677, -598, 1653, -599, 1652, -599
[16:00:54][D][remote.raw:041]: Received Raw: -9073, 2233, -574

What does 28 and 41 mean? Anything to do with the 38kHz frequency?
Do i have to copy all numbers or only parts of those to my config?

Because right now i have this config and it does not control my device:

  name: remote
  platform: ESP8266
  board: nodemcuv2

  ssid: "XXX"
  password: "XXX"

  # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
    ssid: "Remote Fallback Hotspot"
    password: "XXX"


# Enable logging

# Enable Home Assistant API


  pin: D1
  dump: all

  pin: D2
  # Infrared remotes use a 50% carrier signal
  carrier_duty_percent: 50%


  - platform: template
    name: Short Button
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
          code: [-9073, 2233, -574]
  - platform: template
    name:  Button RAW 
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
          code: [-9070, 4510, -576, 568, -571, 564, -601, 538, -599, 540, -597, 541, -575, 564, -598, 541, -573, 566, -597, 541, -574, 565, -599, 539, -573, 566, -598, 1653, -599, 1652, -574, 565, -573, 565, -573, 566, -575, 1675, -599, 541, -598, 540,-574, 565, -573, 566, -573, 565, -599, 540, -598, 1652, -599, 539, -573, 1677, -573, 1677, -597, 1653, -574, 1677, -598, 1653, -599, 1652, -599]

  - platform: template
    name:  Button RAW Long
      - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw:
          carrier_frequency: 38kHz
          code: [-9070, 4510, -576, 568, -571, 564, -601, 538, -599, 540, -597, 541, -575, 564, -598, 541, -573, 566, -597, 541, -574, 565, -599, 539, -573, 566, -598, 1653, -599, 1652, -574, 565, -573, 565, -573, 566, -575, 1675, -599, 541, -598, 540,-574, 565, -573, 566, -573, 565, -599, 540, -598, 1652, -599, 539, -573, 1677, -573, 1677, -597, 1653, -574, 1677, -598, 1653, -599, 1652, -599, 9073, -2233, 574]

I tried adding the last few numbers -9073, 2233, -574, but inverted, because otherwise it gives me

Values must alternate between being positive and negative, please see index 67 and 68.

Did you figure this out? I’m getting similar results.

[18:40:47][D][remote.raw:028]: Received Raw: -9132, 4514, -585, 553, -585, 578, -559, 555, -585, 553, -585, 553, -585, 553, -586, 553, -585, 578, -560, 1687, -561, 1661, -585, 1663, -584, 1687, -561, 1662, -585, 1662, -585, 1662, -584, 1663, -586, 552, -586, 1662, -586, 1662, -583,
[18:40:47][D][remote.raw:041]:   554, -585, 553, -586, 553, -585, 1661, -584, 555, -585, 1662, -585, 553, -585, 555, -584, 1661, -586, 1662, -584, 1663, -584, 579, -561, 1686, -560