Getting Kilowatt Hours

This is my first time using any device which can report power usage. In this case, a smartplug I got from Aliexpress.

computer power sensor

It looks to me like the polledsmartenergysummation sensor is what I’m looking for. But, of course, it just gives me a continuously updating readout in some unit of measure I don’t know. Ideally I’d like to end up with a chart showing kilowatt hours used per period (hour/day/week/etc). Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thanks in advance

Awesome, thank you so much. That got me the kilowatt hours.

My next question is how to reset the sensor every period. For instance, I’d like to see that accumulated over a month and then reset.


@VDRainer (
You guys are awesome. Thank you :slight_smile:

Thank you all for your help so far.

I have installed a smartplug in my house. This plug tracks power usage and has a sensor called electricalmeasurement. That sensor produces a history like this:


Next, I created a utility meter helper with the following settings:

Name: Meter PC
Input Sensor: Computer Power Electricalmeasurement (from my smartplug)
Meter Reset Cycle: Daily
Meter Reset Offset: 0
Supported Tarrifs: none
Net consumption: no
Delta Values: No

This produces a history as follows:

So far so good :slight_smile: Now… to get that into a daily bart chart in my lovelace dashboard. This is where I’m failing. I’m using a statistic’s graph card to get me the bar chart as shown below

As you can see, rather than giving me a bar for each day, I’m getting a summation of all days prior which, of course, only goes up. What I’d like is that each bar would show the day’s usage.

What am I doing wrong here?