Getting many ecobee warnings throughout the day

Getting 10+ “Error connecting to Ecobee. Possible connectivity outage.” warnings each day. Because of this, the automations that I have that are supposed to change my thermostat comfort setting often don’t work. Not sure what the deal is but when I see these errors I can still control the thermostat remotely with my phone. I also don’t have problems connecting to other cloud-based services (abode, yr).

I know ecobee has a history of being unreliable but this seems pretty excessive. Any thoughts?

I’m seeing the same errors. You can check ecobee’s network status here: but it doesn’t show any issues right now, yet I’m still getting the errors.

2019-07-13 17:05:12 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of climate.ecobee is taking over 10 seconds
2019-07-13 17:05:12 WARNING (SyncWorker_11) [pyecobee] Error connecting to Ecobee.  Possible connectivity outage.