Getting Media Stream Info from Netflix, Kodi, etc

So I was thinking that it would be cool to have the name of all the media streaming in, be it Netflix, Kodi, etc .

Surprisingly I couldn’t find any info about this !

I know if it’s local media or a spotify stream you already get that , but what about online streams from platforms like the ones I mentioned ?

Surely there must be a way to get this integrated into hassio without that much hassle, either through adb commands or some app installed on the streaming platform (a Mi box in my case) that could fetch this data .

Ideally it would also get a picture (such as a cover from the tv show / movie / etc) from the media currently playing in any of those sources .

Anyone who can share their insights on this and how feasible it would be ?

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media_player has a number of attributes, including media_title and entity_picture. Take a look in the states page in dev tools. Something has to be playing though, if it isn’t you’ll (obviously) get a whole lot less info.

@nickrout I’m aware of those but they don’t apply to online media streams like the ones I’ve mentioned .

I have found a workaround for Netflix, Kodi should be easier considering the higher level of integration .

For Netflix you would need a script to parse the last streamed media directly from the viewingactivity page, which updates instantly .

Based on that I see this working very well with a simple automation that will decide whether to fetch latest media based on simple triggers like pause, stop and play .

OK I see your problem now.

Are you watching netflix through kodi?

No, directly through the official app for android tv … I know it can be integrated in kodi but honestly I’d rather not .

Not sure how could get the name of an external kodi stream but I’m sure it’s nothing too complicated :slight_smile:

Answering myself :

I assumed Kodi also didn’t get the online stream wrongly, because unlike Netflix it works perfect !

Installed Kodi integration as I was only using My Android TV Media player integration .

Guess that sorts it out … since netflix has no API I hope what I suggested will help others looking to accomplish the same integration


Comment as tu fais pour avoir netflix ?

Merci de ton retour,

Bonne journée,

Anglaise s’il vous plait.

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How did you get the netlfix flix?

I was able to do that using my LG Smart TV (WebOS).


This video was very useful:

Hope that helps somebody


have you this script?