Getting/parsing REST/json data

Hi all, pretty new to HA. Looking to try and create an automation for our refuse bin collections. Can anyone point me in the right direction how for how I should start setting this up?

This council webpage ( has functionality to give details on:

  • Next pickup date
  • What bins are next picked up
  • Any special changes to the pickup date (ie. christmas)


This JS file ( does all the heavy lifting.

I can see that there is a call made to an API, which I can duplicate:

That call returns a JSON object for the specified property.

But after that, the JS file also does a bunch of processing actions (sorts array, compares to special dates json etc). Once that processing is all done, then the webpage is updated.

What would be the best way to set this up to retrieve the processed data, so that I can add something to the dashboard that shows next date, next bins, special date changes etc?

Already does CCC.