Getting started and maybe being a bit ambitious

So, I have installed HAOS on a Proxmox box and gotten that up and running. I also attached two Zigbee switches (Inovelli Blue) and one ZWave switch (Zen30), along with a Bond Bridge. I got all of that more or less working, and that was the Proof of Concept for the new house build.

Well, that new house build is nearly ready, which means now I am about to have:

Two Bond Bridges
~35 Zen30 Zwave switches
~70 Inovelli Blue switches
1 Aquara repeater
3 ZWave locks (Schlage)
7 Zigbee locks (also Schlage)

So I’m feeling like maybe that’s a big step, so I was wondering if there are any particular, recent documents that are suggested for getting started putting all of that together? I already have most of the switches connected (one bad Zooz switch, 9 bad Inovellis, all of which will be replaced fairly soon; none of those are connected to their respective networks), and I hope to have everything else connected by the end of the week. But then I have to do something about the dashboard, figure out automations, understand how to optimize the two systems, etc…

Currently using Zwave JS UI and Zigbee2MQTT, all installed directly in HAOS.



That is ambitious, but entirely do-able. There are people here who have bigger setups. Accept that you will probably use your switches etc manually until you get your setup complete.

Don’t overpromise to your other family members :slight_smile:

When you start adding devices, be consistent about naming. It will make things easier later. I say this as someone who has bulb_kitchen, bedroom_bulb, foyer_light and all sorts of disorganisation.