Getting stuck with automation

Hi everyone,

Thanks for creating such awesome software! I have a question though, because I’m getting stuck with some very simple automation config that I’m not getting to work.

This code is still for testing purposes, but I’m trying to get my Z-wave switch (which is set up and working) to turn on a light when sensor.temperature is above 20 Celsius. sensor.temperature is (for now) a command sensor that uses the CPU temperature (this sensor is working properly in the web interface)

So, this is my automation code. Does anyone have any pointers? Right now, I can see the output of sensor.temperature constantly being updated and consistently above 20 Celsius, but still this automation code has not been triggered even once.

automation: alias: Turn on light when CPU TEMP is above 20 Celsius trigger: platform: numeric_state entity_id: sensor.temperature above: 20 condition: platform: state entity_id: switch.everspring_an157_plugin_appliance_module_switch_3 state: 'off' action: service: switch.turn_on entity_id: switch.everspring_an157_plugin_appliance_module_switch_3

Numeric state triggers will only trigger if the before state did not match but the new state does. So the moment it goes from 19 to 20 you will see it fire.