Getting the Inovelli status lights to do something in Z-WaveJS

Hi, I just moved from old z-wave to WaveJS. I’m trying to get my Inovelli switches to change their status light. Before, I just edited one config parameter, but now things are broken into parts. Despite setting them, nothing seems to happen. Here’s my latest attempt:

  - device_id: 216698d78515270a976753c87c72e707
    domain: zwave_js
    type: set_config_parameter
    parameter: 8
    bitmask: 255
    subtype: 29-112-0-8-255 (LED Effect Color)
    value: 1
  - device_id: 216698d78515270a976753c87c72e707
    domain: zwave_js
    type: set_config_parameter
    parameter: 8
    bitmask: 16711680
    subtype: 29-112-0-8-16711680 (LED Effect Duration)
    value: 20
  - device_id: 216698d78515270a976753c87c72e707
    domain: zwave_js
    type: set_config_parameter
    parameter: 8
    bitmask: 2130706432
    subtype: 29-112-0-8-2130706432 (LED Effect Type)
    value: 2

Any tips/advice/samples would be appreciated.

I use the Inovelli add ons for Node Red. There are some very easy to use nodes to manage scenes, LED color settings and notifications on the LED bars.

You can still send it as one parameter. You don’t have to separate it like this.

  - service: zwave_js.bulk_set_partial_config_parameters
      entity_id: ...
      parameter: 8
      value: whatever you used to send

Those Inovelli add-ons looks really cool. I’m not sure how to install them however, as I am just using a generic / managed HA instance on Pi.

Thank you Petro, that works perfectly for me!

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