Getting the Kiddos out the door for school using Home Assistant

Just a quick write up on the Timed Automations I use to get the kids out the door on school days. Hope you like it.



Nice write up Carlo, always in awe of your setup, have been borrowing bits of it here and there when I get the time. Your TTS setup is next of my list.

I have subbed to your youtube as well, can’t wait for the video’s.

Keep up the amazing work.

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Thanks for the Sub! I have the first video almost edited and ready to go… It’s a recap of the Telsa Solar panel install. But it’s the first video so I’m working out all the kinks and getting the bugs out and then really hope to start producing some quality videos on the automations I have running in the house. The guys doing videos now are such rock stars (@bruhautomation, @DrZzs, @HassCasts, @TheHookUp, @JuanM) that I can’t seem to stop editing it to try to get it to something that’s respectable. Those guys set that bar really high for me. :slight_smile:

But thanks for Reading, commenting and all the support in general.



Hey, cheers my good man!
I look forward to your videos, I reckon they will be good.
To begin with - don’t worry about the quality. I found that I just had to get my 1st video out there.
My videos are getting better and better each time. It may not be visible as often it’s things behind the scenes that are improving. Like at the minute I’m in the process of updating my thumbnails and I reckon that will make a huge difference.

Your advantage is that you already have loads of knowledge and equipment.
DM me on any of the platforms if you need any help or advice etc.

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