I have a Shelly1 connected to garage door to open/close it along with a reed switch to sense when opened. Making a lovelace page for my wife and trying to make it as simple as possible for her.
Problem is, is (switch.shelly_shsw_1_8caab5c4f403) is what activates the garage, but the reed switch (binary_sensor.shelly_shsw_1_8caab5c4f403_switch) is what determines if its opened/closed. Is there a way to have the button tied to the SWITCH , but have the state be tied to the BINARY_SENSOR?
So in the below picture, she would see the garage door as OFF, since the switch is off. But I want her to see the garage door as CLOSED, while still being able to press the button to OPEN it.
cover.garage_door is my reed switch and switch.garage_door_switch is the switch that open/closes the door. The custom button card can also change the displayed text for each state without messing with the device class.
refers to a custom Lovelace card (i.e. not part of the standard library of cards). It must be installed before it can be used. For installation instructions, refer to the last link in rccoleman’s post.
I got the repository installed in HACS. I didnt have a ui-lovelace.yaml file. I created one, added in the code it said to, but still the custom card doesnt work
PS: This switch on it self doesn’t do anything, I can use it to enable/disable other things (like f.e. certain logic in NodeRed)
But then again, this is just an example on how to link a switch to a binary input