Getting value from person and setting it in a text helper

I need some help with Node Red.
I’m trying to get the value of a person (home, not_home) and set that value to a text helper.
The goal is to use the texthelper to trigger automations. This way I can easily test the automations since I can manually set the value.

The problem I’m facing it to set a helper value from node red.
I’ve tried with a function node setting Global.Set(“helper”, “home”).
I’ve tried just passing the value to a call service node to set the value but I cant see any change in the helper, even though it calls the service without errors.


This is the example of trying to inject “away” into a text helper named peterlocation.
I’m not sure what i’m doing wrong.

Managed to solve it by leaving the call service node blank and returning a msg.object that looked like this.

var msg = {
payload: {
domain: “input_text”,
service: “set_value”,
data: {
entity_id: entity,
value: value

You had the domain set to “text” but it should be “input_text”.