GHome integration with HA? (NOT Google Home, but GHome hardware devices)

Does anyone know if GHome products have any integration with HA?

Very confusingly named company – most all Google searches take me to Google Home. But this is something else. (

I just found their products on Amazon; see the GHome store on Amazon. Or company web site. Lots of very nice product features & some feature combinations not seen elsewhere, at very good price points.

But no idea if they work with HA. Presumably wi-fi, works w Alexa & w Google Home, no idea if it can be made to work locally. Has anyone seen info?

Looking up one of the products:

It looks like they are wifi tuya based products, you may be able to use the tuya or smartthings intergrations in HA to control them.

Thanks; that helps. Might have to buy one and experiment, to make sure I can control completely local (possibly Tuya Local or LocalTuya? --never can keep those two straight). Definitely would run it on a network segment with no Internet access. (I occasionally let things hit Internet during setup, but lock them down afterwards.)

Update: I bought & just received one of the GHome devices to test with. Found it uses Gosund app. Which I think does mean one of the Tuya integrations should do the job.

Did you get this working?

Sorry, got backburnered. Had to raise priority on a couple other things to maintain WAF here in the household. But that’s a good reminder for me to get that one back on the list.

I’ve heard that local Tuya stuff may be simpler than when I last looked into it. Am sure hoping so.

I bought one, got it yesterday. It does use the tuya app. I added it and the BLE gateway to HA. They both added with (Not Supported) and zero functionality. :frowning: I can’t even get Google Home to see them yet.

When devices are listed as unsupported its a matter of waiting on the device maker to issue a firmware update.

I had this issue with a tuya based deadlatch lock when I added it to the smartlife app after migrating away from the tuya app (both had the same issue when tested).

I purchased a couple of boxes of these, based on the fact that they are supposed to work with Tuya integration. Once installed i made the mistake of using the GoSund app, this does not link to my HA but once I uninstalled it it was found as a new device in the Smart Life app which is Tuya. This then appeared in my Home Assistant after a reboot of the Core in the Tuya Intergration area,

The issue is that it worked for a while, then it is reported in HA an unavailable, yet the switch is wired into the 110v, so it should never go to sleep. The only way I managed to get the switch to wake up and reconnect is by opening the Smart Life app and clicking on the switch to view the settings. But once the app is closed the switch goes offline again?

I hope there is a way of using these switches, as they are a bargain at $9.00 a piece if you buy a box of 4. and the way they work is very nice and they have an LED to show when they are on.

Any help available to get these working appreciated.