Ghost Entities on repurposed ESP8266 D1 Mini

I have been going nuts with ESP8266 boards and HomeAssistant. Drunk with my new powers you might say. :slight_smile: However, I have an issue that is not so much a problem as an irritation. I have an EPS8266 D1 Mini board that I have repurposed for a new sensor. It was once used for a pulse_meter device with two pulse_meter sensor devices configured to count pulses from water meters. I built a new device to replace the old one, with three pulse_meter sensors, a Dallas temperature sensor, a binary sensor and a relay output, all on one device. That device works perfectly. So I wanted to reuse the previous pulse_meter device for an outside temperature sensor and for that, it is working, but the old pulse_meter entities are also showing up under that device with the new temperature entity, even though they are no longer in the configuration for that device. It doesn’t seem to really hurt anything, but it’s untidy to have those “Unavailable” entities displayed with that one entity that I have configured for this device. I have done some exploration with text editor and I even found a folder with the old device name “watermeter” under the new device “outsidetemp”. I deleted that folder and reinstalled to the device, but the old entities remain. Ghost Entities Screenshots Any ideas?

you have to delete the device in HA and let HA redetect it without the ghost entities

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