Ghost switching

I have multiple Sonoff T0 switches (without RF) with Tasmota firmware. They are working perfectly but every once in a while some switches get turned off without input from me!
Today after one of the switches turned off I checked its history and found and the last entry
‘turned off by tohiko’ (My hassio username is tohiko)

I did not turn off the light through the interface or through the app. I have several automations but I checked their history and none of them were triggered when the switch was turned off. So my only other guess is that the GoogleAssistant service that I have enabled is the culprit. How do I troubleshoot this and prevent it?

EDIT: One way that could help me is if I can enable logging for Google Assistant. Any idea how I can do that? I tried adding

  default: warn
    homeassistant.components.google_assistant: debug

in configuration.yaml and checking home-assistant.log but then I only see the events [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.report_state] and the response to these reports [homeassistant.components.google_assistant.http

  1. Have you updated to 2021.1.5?
  2. Have you changed all your credentials as outlined in the two blog posts about security (see the top of this page)?
  3. What does the history say when you operate the switch manually?
    If it’s the same (‘turned off by tohiko’) it could be EMI.

1 and 2. Yes, I have done those steps.
3. No, it’s just “turned off”.

Ok so you can rule out electromagnetic interference.

Checked the logs and found that Google considered me away and turned off the lights. This keeps happening so I am disabling the “HomeAware” feature.

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