Giex smart water valve

It’s very unstable, stop responding after a few hours.

Device is connected now to Zegbee amplifier and after update I did not see disconnects. I have not checked if the sensitivity and consumption has improved. The current battery charge is 60% and still works.
To sniff and save OTA image is good idea. Second idea, what I have, is to find this file in Android file system, finding the file in IOS is going to be an impossible task.

Works fine for me, please see below Irrigation Dashboard using this device.

Yeah… but you are also using a Tuya Soil sensor that is rubbish in my experience :grin::sunglasses:

Last year I used the giex with solarpannel build in (around 50 euro on Ali now). Works great, but can’t deal with frost…

So… how’s this device with the newest firmware? Working?

The one i have now is connected to z2m, but I am unable to control it. The device just doesn’t respond…

Mine seem to be working fine. Time will tell.

Mine, after updating it to last firmware, is much more stable and working well, despite the limited distance. I’m currently using z2mqtt

Hey - I purchased the hub and updated the FW of two of my valves to 1.0.13. However, now it seems I can’t get them to pair with zigbee2mqtt anymore. Is anyone experiencing the same?

I just bought GX02 and updated it to 1.0.13. Zigbee2mqtt now shows this in logs and the device is not working:

(unsupported device)Device ‘0xa4c13855ef78b0f8’ with Zigbee model ‘TS0601’ and manufacturer name ‘_TZE284_7ytb3h8u’ is NOT supported

not sure what to do

Have you tried several times? I get this error too but the second time I paired it worked perfectly.

yes, I tried 3 times. No luck.

It seems ‘_TZE284_7ytb3h8u’ is a different footprint. according to this, the next release of Z2M should get rid of the error message. Judging by the release periodicity, this could drop any day…

PS: What’s the difference between GX02, QT06 and QT06_2? I ordered a GX02, but after the update to 1.0.13 (through an extra tuya gateway I bought) it identifies as this ‘_TZE284_7ytb3h8u’ which according to the devbranch of z2m is a QT06_2…

Z2M v.1.39.0-1 just got released:

Fixed device detections:

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I just updated the firmware of my two, and will see how they go. To prevent overwatering, I always set the duration of the watering period on the device before turning the water on - that way if there was any drop out, or home assistant restarts etc, it would be controlled by the device.

Essentially, whenever the Smart Irrigation calculated a new watering duration, it would be sent to the valve.

alias: Outdoors - Front Garden Duration Set
description: ""
  - platform: state
      - sensor.smart_irrigation_front_garden
condition: []
  - service: number.set_value
      entity_id: number.outdoors_front_gx02_tap_irrigation_target
      value: |
        {% if is_state('sensor.smart_irrigation_front_garden','0' ) -%}
        {%- else -%}
          {{ states('sensor.smart_irrigation_front_garden') | float + 1 }}
        {%- endif %}
mode: single

Yes, I probably should handle unavailable/unknown errors…

working now :slight_smile:

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Excellent :+1:t3:

Hello, I think it depens on firmware version.
I ordered two GX02 and they came with firmware v.1.0.8 and had Zigbee Manufacturer_TZE200_7ytb3h8u.
It apperars in Z2M as GIEX QT06_2.
After updating one of them to firmware v.1.0.13, it has Zigbee Manufacturer _TZE284_7ytb3h8u and appears as GIEX GX02.

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I just got my tuya zigbee controller yesterday, and was hoping to update the valve. However, 24h later the controller still says there are no updates available for the valve.

It’s running zigbee module v1.0.8 and MCU module v1.0.15.

Am I missing something?

Newly bought valve ship with the latest firmware.
My upgrade process was like this:

Be sure to use the Smart Life app.

BTW I created a separate thread how to use the GiEX valve with ZHA.

I also bought a GX02. It looks nice and appears to be quite solid. However the Zigbee range was absolutely unusable. I had to position the Zigbee repeater within 50cm of the valve in order to make it work. I thus decided to return it.