Git Deployment Workflow

I’m managed my HA configuration in a git repository on my Raspberry Pi, but I’d like to be able to make changes locally on my laptop and deploy them to my HA system, and perhaps have some configuration reloading happen without my direct input.

Can anyone share pipelines or scripting that they have to automate the deployment of configuration via git?

@Odd_Bloke – It sounds like you’re in a similar situation to me with your workflow. Unfortunately, I don’t have tons of advice as most of the workflows I’ve seen created are for editing locally on your Pi and then having it commit the changes to GitHub.

What I do have in my workflow is some CI testing setup that has proven to be pretty handy.

  • git push from laptop
  • Travis-CI runs tests to confirm all yaml syntax is valid.
  • If Travis-CI reports errors I can fix them before I git pull on my Pi.

I have a doc written up if you want to implement it yourself.

Let me know if you have any questions and if you figure out a workflow please let me know as I’m also on the hunt for such a solution.


Just an idea: