Github-style calendar heatmap of device data

Thanks to Anton Kireyeu we are able to present another awesome Jupyter notebook. I guess that you all know the graph which Github is using to visualize your commits per day over a time-line. It’s a so-called heatmap. If there are more commits, it’s getting hotter. The latest notebook is capable to do the same thing for your devices. To be more precise, for the hours your devices are home.

![](upload://avjO9IQb0q96zJDnGjwRx9imp2r.png) Heatmap

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The link is dead. 404

That would make a nice Lovelace card

any idea what ever happened to this ?

Is there something similar to this nowadays?

That Jupyter notebook is still available.
It looks like the discussion topic has the wrong lonk, but the correct link is in the blog post.
Here is the correct link: