GitLab CI for configuration involving Custom Components

I’m trying to setup GitLab CI using the check_config script.

My current failure:

- Component error: breaking_changes - Integration 'breaking_changes' not found.
- Platform error sensor.school_holidays - Integration 'school_holidays' not found.
- Component error: alexa_media - Integration 'alexa_media' not found.
- Component error: docker_monitor - Integration 'docker_monitor' not found.
- Component error: hacs - Integration 'hacs' not found.
- Component error: switcher_aio - Integration 'switcher_aio' not found.
- Component error: shelly - Integration 'shelly' not found.
- Platform error media_player.alexa - No module named 'homeassistant.components.alexa.media_player'

It seems that the check_config script doesn’t know how to handle the custom components as they’re not part of the source code. Any idea on how to get around this nicely ?

Include your custom_components folder in your repo.

This would not make sense from a CI perspective, I think creating a sub-module for each of the custom components is the right way to go, although I haven’t got it working yet.

Why not? You wouldn’t test any other program with half the files it needs to run missing and then complain when the test fails.

Because fetching the dependencies in a dynamic way makes more sense.

The point of check_config is to check your configuration, if you fetch the custom component another way you may be testing your configuration against a different version of the custom component to the one you’re running.

You’re making this way too complicated, just un-ignore the custom_components directory.