Giv_tcp returning "Garbage or failed inverter Response"

Since some slightly unknown time ago - I have been away for a couple of weeks and many updates have auto-installed, including new versions of Home Assistant Core, HA OS and @britkat 's giv_tcp integration - my inverter is not playing nice with Home Assistant.

If I roll back to my last known good full backup from the end of May, things work again but I’ve done a lot creating of automations since then and I’d really rather avoid that if possible. If I roll back the GivTCP updates which have installed since May that doesn’t seem to help.

The inverter had a firmware update for the battery yesterday but that didn’t seem to make any difference.

Any advice on where to start poking things would be much appreciated.

GivTCP’s log from startup is below, the error at the bottom repeats constantly.

023-08-03 12:59:07,132 - startup - [CRITICAL] - HA MQTT Service has been found at core-mosquitto
2023-08-03 12:59:07,144 - startup - [INFO] - Supervisor Timezone: Europe/London
2023-08-03 12:59:09,159 - startup - [INFO] - Networks available for scanning are: {0: '', 1: None}
2023-08-03 12:59:09,159 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Scanning network for inverters...
2023-08-03 12:59:09,160 - startup - [INFO] - Scanning network (1):
2023-08-03 12:59:10,398 - startup - [INFO] - 1 Inverters found on - {1: ''}
2023-08-03 12:59:10,599 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Inverter SA2246G688 which is a Gen 1 - Hybrid has been found at:
2023-08-03 12:59:10,602 - startup - [INFO] - 1 Inverters found on None - {1: ''}
2023-08-03 12:59:10,810 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Inverter SA2246G688 which is a Gen 1 - Hybrid has been found at:
2023-08-03 12:59:10,812 - startup - [CRITICAL] - GivTCP isAddon: True
2023-08-03 12:59:10,812 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Config directory already exists
2023-08-03 12:59:10,828 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Running Redis
2023-08-03 12:59:10,829 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Setting up invertor: 1 of 1
2023-08-03 12:59:11,001 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Recreating for invertor 1
2023-08-03 12:59:11,015 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Running RQ worker to queue and process givernergy-modbus calls
2023-08-03 12:59:11,016 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Running Invertor read loop every 5s
2023-08-03 12:59:11,029 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Subscribing MQTT Broker for control
2023-08-03 12:59:11,042 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Starting Gunicorn on port 6345
2023-08-03 12:59:11,061 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Creating web dashboard config
2023-08-03 12:59:11,064 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Serving Web Dashboard from port 4321
2023-08-03 12:59:11,156 - startup - [CRITICAL] - Setting daily charge target forecast job to run at: 00:20
[2023-08-03 12:59:11 +0100] [37] [INFO] Starting gunicorn 21.2.0
[2023-08-03 12:59:11 +0100] [37] [INFO] Listening at: (37)
[2023-08-03 12:59:11 +0100] [37] [INFO] Using worker: sync
[2023-08-03 12:59:11 +0100] [49] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 49
[2023-08-03 12:59:11 +0100] [50] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 50
[2023-08-03 12:59:11 +0100] [51] [INFO] Booting worker with pid: 51
 UPDATE  The latest version of `serve` is 14.2.0.
2023-08-03 12:59:14,974 - Inv1 - mqtt_client -  [CRITICAL] - Connecting to MQTT broker for control- core-mosquitto
INFO: Accepting connections at http://localhost:4321.
2023-08-03 12:59:23,450 - Inv1 - read        -  [ERROR   ] - Consecutive failure count= 9 -- (<class 'Exception'>, Exception("Garbage or failed inverter Response: ERROR:-(<class 'KeyError'>, KeyError(HR:243), <traceback object at 0x7f7f42bec0>)"), <traceback object at 0x7f97275d40>)

Hi There, The latest versions (2.3.0+) support new firmware models, but requires a specific setting for backwards compatibility. In the Addon config (or Docker ENV) set the Inverter_AC_1 setting to true. This sets backwards compatibility with the “older” firmware models by not trying to access the newer registers and control modes.
That should get you up and running (other option is to see if there is new firmware available for your inverter from the GE portal

Hi Mark, thanks for getting back to me. Setting Inverter_AC_1 to true seems to have worked.

I checked and there’s no update available via the portal, it’s a fairly new system - only installed in february this year. Inverter is on firmware D0.450-A0.451

Either way, seems to be sorted for now so much appreciated.

I have a givenergy allinone battery and gateway installed and still seeing this issue. I have configured within the UI it is on old firmware but still I see the garbage message.

The allinone inverter is on firmware D0.607-A0.607
The gateway inverter is on firmware D0.0-A0.5

2023-09-03 18:14:47,119 - Inv1 - read        -  [ERROR   ] - Consecutive failure count= 7 -- (<class 'Exception'>, Exception("Garbage or failed inverter Response: ERROR:-(<class 'KeyError'>, KeyError(HR:243), <traceback object at 0x7f2fb1443380>)"), <traceback object at 0x7faaeefdb940>)
2023-09-03 18:14:48,210 - Inv2 - read        -  [ERROR   ] - Consecutive failure count= 10 -- (<class 'Exception'>, Exception("Garbage or failed inverter Response: ERROR:-(<class 'KeyError'>, KeyError(IR:000), <traceback object at 0x7f4b176db600>)"), <traceback object at 0x7fdb59d52c80>)
2023-09-03 18:14:53,478 - Inv1 - read        -  [ERROR   ] - Consecutive failure count= 8 -- (<class 'Exception'>, Exception("Garbage or failed inverter Response: ERROR:-(<class 'KeyError'>, KeyError(HR:243), <traceback object at 0x7f2fb1444900>)"), <traceback object at 0x7faaeefe5e40>)
2023-09-03 18:14:55,683 - Inv2 - read        -  [ERROR   ] - Consecutive failure count= 11 -- (<class 'Exception'>, Exception("Garbage or failed inverter Response: ERROR:-(<class 'KeyError'>, KeyError(IR:000), <traceback object at 0x7f4b176e8ac0>)"), <traceback object at 0x7fdb5923db00>)
2023-09-03 18:14:55,683 - Inv2 - read        -  [ERROR   ] - 10 failed inverter reads in a row so removing regCache to force update...