Givenergy: using automation to set a timed charge schedule into slot 1

Hello. I am new here, and to Home Assistant. I’ve spent the day trying and searching (and asking AI for help), but to no avail.

I’d like to use Home Assistant to set a timed charge into Slot 1.
However, despite the fact that my automation code should set the start and end charge times, this isn’t working. So I’m doing something wrong.

 - target:
      entity_id: select.givtcp_ab1234c567_charge_start_time_slot_1
      option: >
        {{ (states('input_datetime.power_up_start_time') |
        as_datetime).strftime('%H:%M:%S') }}
    action: select.select_option

Can anyone tell me, please, how the automation can set a charge start and end time, please? Or point me to the right documentation?

THanks in advance for any guidance!

Hi Walders, did you get any replies??

I’m new here too. I created automations to set battery time slot 1 start and stop times.
My automation contacts the inverter but it sets the time to 00:00 instead of what I want.

I see the YAML code sets the time as hh:mm:ss but the inverter entity needs hh:mm

I have no idea what to change to get that sent to the inverter???

I fixed my issue. My bad!! I chose the incorrect entity. I re-selected the correct one and hey presto, a time selector appeared. I selected the correct times and it just works…

Hope you get some luck with your issue.