GivTCP, Solcast and Home Assistant - Help wanted

Hello everyone,
I have a Home Assistant setup that I installed from an .iso image. To which, I have since added the GivTCP (ver 3.0.3) Addon to help me manage my GivENERGY solar/battery system.

From a number sources, I note suggestions that into this mix, I could add a SOLCAST prediction.

Can anyone help me, or point to a document that I can use to enable that to happen? My (uninformed) hope, is that using such a prediction, I should be able to automaticity adjust my over-night battery charge to maximise the next day’s sunshine.

Regards, Martin

You could try this instead it has official HA documentation

Thank you. Yes, I have read (and done) that…
But what is it doing for my system?
How will I know what it is doing?

I’m being flippant, but without any operating instructions or advice, it is just one more icon in my Devices list!

Regards, M.