Glances does not import Entity and Devices

I configured Glances to my Docker Container on my Unraid Server, but i can’t figure out why.

The Log just shows the following Error:

Did you install the glances package on the hosts you want to monitor?

on the Server i want to monitor i run the Container nicolargo/glances

the Following Test from

was successful.

 curl -X GET http://IP_ADDRESS:61208/api/3/mem/free
{"free": 203943936}

just an off the wall thing… When the Glances add-on asks for a host name, you must use the IP address, not the host name.

yes u did. i get no device and no specific error in the log :frowning:

You may have to do this if you are running on a Linux system:

Sorry, i have no clue what you are talking about.

The Test was fine, there is a web UI where i can see all Values but the Devices and Entities don’t show up in Home Assistant

I ran into this issue when I installed Glances. It seems there are two distributions of glances and you need to pick the right one to use it as a client for HA. They reference the “bottle” package that needs installing:

sudo dnf -y install glances python-bottle

These instructions were helpful:

Is there something wrong with my Config Setup? The Webserver and Glances API Seem to work fine.


  - platform: time_date
      - "time"
      - "date"
      - "date_time"
      - "date_time_utc"
      - "date_time_iso"
      - "time_date"
      - "time_utc"
      - "beat"
  - platform: seventeentrack
    username: **********
    password: **********

  - platform: glances
    name: Chantal
    host: ************
      - "memory_use_percent"
      - "cpu_use_percent"
      - "mem_use"
      - "docker_active"
      - "processor_load"
      - "docker_cpu_use"
      - "docker_memory_use"
      - "raid_used"

after reinstalling the Container, everything worked.