Glances failing to connect

Hi folks,
i try to connect the Glances integration to my Glances on my Windows PC, but become always the “Connection failed” error.
Glances Webserver is running well on my Windows PC an can connect it with all my other devices thro Browsers.

I run the Webserver with the command: glances.exe -w

I tried http://[myIP] in the form, the name of my PC and all other potentialities.
No chance.
Hassio is running on an rasppi 4, and Glances and hassio are the latest versions.

Thanks for the Help.


did you every figure this out? i’m seeing the exact same problem.

I had Glances running fine for months and after recent updates it no longer works. Now I can’t get the integration to connect to my server.

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Same issue for me. I had Glances working fine for months and suddenly it wouldn’t connect to my server.

For me the same. Reinstalling the integration doesn’t help.

@engrbm87, is this a known problem? Hope you can look into it.
Thanks in advance.

Anyone figure this out yet?