Glass themes - A community theme collection

This is my first set of themes for Home Assistant. As I don’t like flat themes I give them some depth and is still runs smooth.
You can find it on HACS via ‘glass theme’ or ‘Glass Themes’.
For strengthen the Open Source Mindset the working repo is created in Codeberg.
Glass Theme Repository (Codeberg)
Glass Theme Repository (GitHub)

Multiple themes for alarms or other highlighting. In lack that you can’t choose light version of a theme on the dashboard cards (HAOS default) I can’t show both variants at the moment.

Tested on Windows10 FullHD and 4K, Android Phone and Android Tablet.

In the further process I will fiine tune the themes. My favorite themes are sea and blue, so all others depend on them.

So feel free to add any suggestions. As this theme modifies the lovelace theme it may happen that some styles will not work properly and cannot be changed. There was a decision between make the user frontend nice or the admin panel…and I decided for the frontend.


getting an 404 on the link :frowning:

Hm, this seemed to be my fault when I kept my profile private (contact data) I havn’t recognized the repo is also private!?

Thank you for the feedback.

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I can’t find a ‘glass theme’ in HACS as described in README.

This is clear to me, because I wonder how HACS is supposed to find it on Codeberg if it default works on GitHub.
I think some steps are missing here for the user or am I wrong?

I’m sorry, there seem no official support for Codeberg right now. I copied the manual from the theme template, I will remove the HACS part for now.

If you are interested in it, it is very easy doing the manual way. Just copy all theme yaml files to the themes folder and make a soft restart of the yaml config (developer tools) and you have instant access.

Your only disadvance now is not getting note when the themes are updated. But as they currently work, I would only fix errors, so big updates are not expected right now.

Customizing these themes is also easy. Just copy the sea theme and change the first 7 colors for light theme and the first 7 colors for dark theme.

Thx, looks good. I knew about the alternative procedure, but you should definitely adapt the README, that only confuses the users.

Alternatively, you can use HACS too by creating a fork on Github and then add it via HACS “Custom repositories”.

I removed the hint.

To the theme have you tried one and found one of your need?

Current focus is to use one theme and the weather app stuff on a tablet as panel.

I try to avoid GitHub in private as it is commercial, but I understand that it simplifies sync procedures. I’ve seen a method for forwarding, in near future I generate a minion for forking. :grinning:

I tried it and it looks really good.

I noticed when I activate one of the themes in a single dashboard with background graphic, my background image no longer appears.

Oh, cool, thanks.

That’s a behave of the system.
In the theme yaml, by default I set a “lovelace-background: var(–backgroundeffect)”.
When you add a ‘#’ to “#lovelace-background: var(–backgroundeffect)” and softreset.
Then the backgrounds are deactivated in general and replaced by the main color, but you can switch the theme for every dashboard and keep your image background.

Update: I mirrored the repo to GitHub and made installation via HACS available.

This is pretty cool of all those I’ve seen I like it for a first go.

I had issues with the drop downs throughout the dashboard being transparent and unusable. You don’t have issues enabled so I couldn’t create one on your repository. I fixed these issues with a one-size-fits-all in a fork…see my pull request on GitHub

Thanks for this. I had this issue for a long time with no solution, making the admin panel instransparent always crashed the dashboard table cards.

I will test this and adapt the colors to the current themes.

Yeah, the GitHub repo is just a fork of the Codeberg. That’s why I had not configured it. But a fork is good the case you want to create your own color set. Mainly just the 5 first colors made the difference.

What was your favorite color set?

glass blue is nice, black is a bit hard to read but would otherwise be nice if the background were adjusted. Take a look at the colors from visionOS in terms of something classy and easy to look/read on a daily basis. the front end has a bug for blur though so its crippled at the moment.

After looking at a several themes the one thing they often suffer from is customizing the button colors or border in hidden ways which sometimes results in an distressing or impossible pain to override even with card_mod. I need to change the borders

be cool to get visionOS tones in the glass theme while allowing CSS overrides on the borders.:clinking_glasses:

Thank you for your input. I fixed the transparency issue with one stat and added the hacs files.
The other changes made more impact to the originating colors and were partially not needed. So I decided to keep the theme colors.

But as I explained initially I reset all changes for the theme I use “glass sea” as the fix for the admin background will crush the frontend.
So, when I want a well looking frontend for dashboard I use this. With my admin account I use the default theme as this is more usable to access the admin options.

I hope for a split of style elements from dashboard and admin panel for the future so we can separate all style elements.

For those interested theme users:

There is a conflict in the current Home Assistant OS handling style sheets, not in themes.

If you want a suitable transparency dashboard theme, this will make the admin board non working.

admin board non working
With a working admin board, the dashboards will loose transparency effects.
dashboard non working

admin board working

This can not be fixed by theme designers.