Is there a way to define globally accessible favourite colours?
i.e. define colours with a specific RGB, colour temp, etc. which is then visible on all light devices/entities in the GUI.
The reasoning being, to then be able to have consistent colours/temperatures across multiple lights in scenes without having to go through and try and set using the slider.
So I am already using both scenes, and automations with area and device targeted actions, but now it’s more about keeping colours consistent across scenes/actions.
For example, I have lights across multiple rooms which are both controllable from buttons/switches, as well as via time based automations. Ideally I’d want to have those automations/scenes consistent so that lights in different rooms come on with the same colour temperature, but also that the same light turned on via button or time based comes on with a consistent colour temperature.
Hence if I could define system wide colours which could be used by all lights it would help to keep the various scenes and automations consistent. Alternatively, a better UI on controls would also help!
Another in support of this. Having 50+ lights, where the colour isnt correct on the favourites and needs to be corrected is painful and completely inaccurate. Not only that, but 90% of the time the option to edit the favourites in the mobile app doesnt work either.
It would be a great feature!
System wide light colour options where you can enter numerical values sounds perfect. Maybe inside a blueprint so you can choose the targets and create multiple configurations for different light groups.
I would settle for a numerical option in the ‘edit favorite colours’ menu. It would make creating similar settings easier.
You can create named light profiles, but the documentation is very light on details and the syntax seems convoluted to the point I can barely understand it. Also may only support color in XY-format?
Here is someone who made a light_profiles.csv consisting of all W3C colors:
If nothing else may be useful to understand the syntax.