Glow daily energy


I just set up a Glow sensor on my electricity meter - and after a couple of pulses being received, the “House - Daily Energy” is calculated to 538.732 kWh (with a power consumption around 580W since start/reboot of the sensor - House Total Energy reads 0.029 kWh).

So - where is the calculation going wrong ?

Assumihn a steady consumption around 580W, the daily energy should be something like 24*0.58 = 13.93 kWh per day …

My meter gives 1000 pulses per kWh, and I have used the standard config/template on the Glow github page (except for changing a couple of pin numbers) …

I have not seen any strange reading (e.g. like power consumption being 4500000 W or something like that)…
