Glucose card for control panel

I was reading another post and came across the below image from @dfgas. I’m interested in the highlighted card but can’t find it anywhere. Is anyone using this card or can point me to something similar?


Thanks Tom. I was looking for a card that was specific to the glucose info. That flexible card looks like it will do the job with any custom info I want. I didn’t realize that was available.

It’s the only one I know of that looks similar.

Yes, it is the horseshoe card. There is a whole lot on the back end with node-red to do the math. I actually use node-red to pull the data too because I setup an alert system that is independent from home assistant. It uses the Alexa’s to alert us when she is low or high. I also made disables too. I have spent a ton of time on each system. I did have videos on how I made the alert system and then a few months later, dexcom changed how we pull the data and I never remade the videos.

You can do the glucose and trending arrows though in the horseshoe card without needed node-red. I am not so sure on the time or how you would do the math though. I can give you screenshots of the card yaml tomorrow after work.

  '0': blue
  '79': blue
  '80': green
  '150': green
  '151': red
  '401': red
  - attribute: BG
    decimals: 0
    entity: sensor.sofbg
    name: Sophie BG
    unit: BG
  - attribute: null
    decimals: 0
    entity: sensor.softrend_2
    name: Trend
    unit: ''
  - attribute: null
    decimals: 0
    entity: sensor.sofupdate
    name: Updated
    unit: null
  - attribute: null
    decimals: 0
    entity: sensor.sofchange
    name: Difference
    unit: null
  - attribute: null
    decimals: 0
    entity: sensor.time
    name: Time
    unit: null
  max: 401
  min: 0
    - align: end
      entity_index: 1
      id: 0
      size: 1.3
      xpos: 37
      ypos: 57
    - align: end
      entity_index: 2
      id: 1
      size: 1.3
      xpos: 37
      ypos: 72
    - entity_index: 0
      id: 0
      xpos: 50
      ypos: 95
    - entity_index: 1
      id: 1
        - font-size: .5em;
      xpos: 30
      ypos: 43
    - entity_index: 2
      id: 2
        - font-size: .5em;
      xpos: 20
      ypos: 57
    - entity_index: 3
      id: 3
        - font-size: .5em;
      xpos: 30
      ypos: 72
    - entity_index: 4
      id: 4
        - font-size: .5em;
      xpos: 30
      ypos: 83
    - entity_index: 0
      id: 0
        - font-size: 3em;
      xpos: 50
      ypos: 34
    - entity_index: 1
      id: 1
        - text-anchor: start;
        - font-size: 1.5em;
      xpos: 45
      ypos: 45
    - entity_index: 2
      id: 2
        - text-anchor: start;
        - font-size: 1.5em;
      xpos: 35
      ypos: 57
    - entity_index: 3
      id: 3
        - text-anchor: middle;
        - font-size: 1.5em;
      xpos: 50
      ypos: 72
    - entity_index: 4
      id: 4
        - text-anchor: middle;
        - font-size: 1.5em;
      xpos: 55
      ypos: 83
  horseshoe_style: colorstop
type: custom:flex-horseshoe-card
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