Go2rtc: send audio to cam?

Not sure i understand the question fully, if i’m using the doorbell? Yes, it’s on my wall fully functional :slight_smile:
It’s this one to be precise: Reolink Video Doorbell PoE | Smart Wired Doorbell with Chime
I have not tried any other devices.

Sorry, I just meant you have the doorbell… which is, according to the developer, the only Reolink product that supports sending audio to it. That means that your workflow likely won’t work for me. I didn’t see any relevant firmware updates for my devices (I don’t have the doorbell one).

Ok, i thought you also have one that you tested with, my bad :slight_smile:

But when using https stream then is it possible senda audio to cam?

Depends which camera specifically? Works on the doorbell.

Reolink 823A

This is how i’ve done it on the Reolink Doorbell which supports 2-way audio. Not sure about the 823A but I can see it has a speaker and I believe it is profile T. Results will depend on the camera actually supporting 2-way. I believe the only one that does currently is the door bell but not 100% sure.


    - rtsp://admin:[email protected]/h264Preview_01_main
    - ffmpeg:frontdoor_main#audio=opus


shell script with post:


curl -v \
  -X POST \

How to execute this shell script?

It’s just a post command. You can run it directly from ha with the ha shell command service or on any os directly. Really anywhere. Depends on what you’re trying to accomplish. I feed a tts mp3 into it from Google cloud service so it speaks.

My goal is too send tts to camera. But can you give a hint or tutorial how to get this post command work.
I don’t have any idea where to start. :slight_smile:
I looked some youtube videos but wont found anything about how to post shell command in HA.
Is there any tutorial or something?

I’m not sure how you intend on initiating the tts to the bell but you could do this. You’ll need long lived token for the api.

a shell script in /config directory called ttsplay

This shell script will take an input of some text and pass it to the home assistant google_cloud integration to generate a mp3 file speaking that text. It stores in in HA and can be played with ‘URL’.

Then it takes that URL and with some ffmpeg/go2rtc magic it pads the beginning and end a few seconds and plays that mp3 to GO2RTC camera.

echo "TEXT: $TEXT" > $LOG

URL=`curl -v -X POST \
 -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" \
 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
 -d "{\"message\": \"$TEXT\", \"platform\": \"google_cloud\"}" \
 https://ha.someurl.org/api/tts_get_url | jq -r .url` >> $LOG 2>&1
echo CURLRC=$? >> $LOG

curl -v \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  -X POST \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
  "http://localhost:1984/api/streams?dst=$GO2RTC&src=exec:ffmpeg+-hide_banner+-v+error+-re+-i+$URL+-af+\"adelay=1s,apad=pad_dur=5\"+-c:a+pcm_alaw+-ar:a+8000+-ac:a+1+-vn+-user_agent+ffmpeg/go2rtc+-rtsp_transport+tcp+-f+rtsp+%7Boutput%7D"  >> $LOG 2>&1                                           
echo DOORRC=$? >> $LOG

exit 0

You can test it but dropping into the homeassistant container and executing it:

# docker exec -ti homeassistant /config/ttsplay "Hello there.  Please leave the package by the door"

If/when it works, you can then execute this via home assistant by adding the shell_command to configuration.yaml and restarting HA. It will take the input of a input_text when it is called. See my automation after.

  doorbelltts: >-
    /config/ttsplay "{{ states('input_text.tts_door_text') }}"

and create a helper called ‘input_text.tts_door_text’ to hold whatever text you wanted to send.

and then create a simple automation so when you add text to it, it speaks to the doorbell and clears the input for the next time… You could also use a input_select and store canned responses and push those into the text field.

alias: Door Bell TTS
description: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
      - ""
      - unknown
    id: textset
    for: "00:00:02"
condition: []
  - service: shell_command.doorbelltts
    data: {}
  - service: input_text.set_value
      value: ""
      entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text

mode: queued

An expanded example automation using a input_text and some locks and stuff.

alias: Door Bell TTS
description: ""
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_select.tts_door_text_selection
    not_to: Select
    id: selection
  - platform: state
    entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
      - ""
      - unknown
    id: textset
    for: "00:00:02"
condition: []
  - if:
      - condition: trigger
        id: selection
      - choose:
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                state: Leave Package
                entity_id: input_select.tts_door_text_selection
              - service: input_text.set_value
                  value: Hi. Please leave the package at the door.  Have a great day.
                  entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                state: Visitor Unlock
                entity_id: input_select.tts_door_text_selection
              - service: input_text.set_value
                  value: Hi. I unlocked the door. Please come in.
                  entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
              - service: lock.unlock
                data: {}
                  entity_id: lock.front_door
          - conditions:
              - condition: state
                state: Solicitor
                entity_id: input_select.tts_door_text_selection
              - service: input_text.set_value
                  value: >-
                    Hi. Im sorry but we arent able to come to the door and we
                    are not interested.  But thanks.
                  entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
              - service: lock.lock
                data: {}
                  entity_id: lock.front_door
          - service: input_text.set_value
              value: "{{ states('input_select.tts_door_text_selection') }}"
              entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
  - if:
      - condition: trigger
        id: textset
      - service: shell_command.doorbelltts
        data: {}
      - service: input_text.set_value
          value: ""
          entity_id: input_text.tts_door_text
  - service: input_select.select_option
      entity_id: input_select.tts_door_text_selection
      option: Select
mode: queued

This works too. :rofl: :man_facepalming: Much easier.


  - platform: webrtc
    name: Frontdoor
    stream: frontdoor_send
    audio: '-af "volume=10dB,adelay=2s,apad=pad_dur=6" -c:a pcm_alaw -ar:a 8000 -ac:a 1'

service call:

service: tts.google_cloud_say
  entity_id: media_player.frontdoor
  message: One two buckle your shoe.  three four close the door.

service: media_player.play_media
  media_content_type: music
  entity_id: media_player.frontdoor

In your last example media_player configuration, what is the frontdoor_send stream?

Nothing fancy.

    - rtsp://xxxxxx:[email protected]/h264Preview_01_main
    - ffmpeg:{input}#audio=opus

Ah, I see. Are you using the Frigate integration in Home Assistant or stand alone Frigate? I have the stand alone Frigate and can’t seem to send tts to my doorbell. But reading through the doc’s, it looks like the steam setting needs to be configured in the go2rtc.yaml file which I don’t have. Do you know if I create one manually if this would work or does this only apply to Frigate integrated?

I don’t use frigate as a backend. I only use the frigate card and a regular go2rtc installation. I would guess that if you created a go2rtc config in frigate, it work work similarly.

Okay thanks. I’ll give it a try.

Did you figure this out? I just can’t figure out what to put in the stream object.

I’m running frigate in docker so I can’t think of what makes sense to go here!

Where did you define your frontdoor_send? Is this part also in your yaml.config?

can you elaborate how you did this? all i want to achieve is for my doorbell to play a ding dong sound whenever the doorbell button is press… the ding_dong audio file is locally available in my HA upload folder.