Music Assistant 2.0: Your Music, Your Players

Amazon is the first company to adopt the new “Matter Casting” (a.k.a. MatterCast) audio/music and video player (streaming reciever) for new/upcoming video and music cast standard protocol, so Music Assistant would need to support that in the future.

See this feature request for having support for that in Music Assistant here::

I also posted a feature request asking for a Home Assistant integration component too:


This is great. I had to use spotcast+Spotify integration to trick Spotify into adding my esp32-s2-box2 as a player. It was a pain, and I kept forgetting how I got it to add.

This is so much easier. MA just recognizes them with no tricks needed.

Great news! I think it’s easier to request something here than to request it from Amazon.

Please, Music Assistant DEV, see if you can adopt “Matter Casting”

I think it would save a lot of people!!!

I looked through the description there. However, doesn’t look like I have the same problem. It appears that any song plays exactly for 90 seconds before the audio disappears.

You can try streaming a radio station to see if that is a problem. You could share some of your music directly with MA thus bypassing Jellyfin and see what effect that has. You can also try the Snapcast provider if you don’t have any other player providers to try. In summary, experiment to try and work out what is causing the problem.

Isn’t it possible use the ONVIF backchannel for this speaker?
it might require some fiddling around:

where you substitute ‘cam’ to ‘tonmind’

It must support one of the player providers Player Support - Music Assistant


I know there is no lovelace card for that and the work around is using iframe. but on my home assistant companion app on my iphone the iframe is loading but never showing ( it work on web browser )

I had it with this address : https://MY-HA.COM/d5369777_music_assistant/ingress

yes i get that, i’m suggesting a way to make it a supported (HA) player by using WebRTC as done in the linked post

@checking12 Someone would have to come along and do the work.

@Thib5 You are missing the port number

@OzGav Thanks for trying but no… i’m using cloudflare with a redirection on port 80 so i don’t have to put my port number.

For exemple if i need to open my serveur on a web browser i need to type :

Thanks for fixing the startup going to settings page issue. It looks great now on all my devices.

Question: Is there a way, or is there a way planned so that on my Android device, I can just click an icon and open MA rather than having to open HA and then select MA?

I have snapcast with a bluetooth speaker for my bathroom i have a pi zero 2 connected to it in a other room.

Only need to set the additional delay.

@Thib5 not sure then sorry as I don’t do this.

@harryfine you should be able to save the ingress url or URL with port 8095 as a shortcut?

I will give that a try, thank you.

Yesterday I tried again to select Sonos as the playback device provider, but I’ll have to wait until this works.
I have just seen that an error message appears in the log.

You might have network issues as the log says MA lost connection with HA

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Please, is there any work in progress to work with Alexa? I read a few days ago that the dev had received an Alexa and would test it…

Yes Marcel has an Alexa. No there hasn’t been any progress. This isn’t high priority I’m afraid.

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I would love to… But I think it’s really difficult. However, I will continue rooting for Marcel to find the way!!!