GoControl Contact and Motion Sensors

New to HA and coming from SmartThings > Hubitat. I have a bunch of WADWAZ-1 and WAPIRZ-1 devices. They have worked great, they are zwave and the batteries last forever. I would love to use them with HA but it adds them as binary sensors with on/off instead of open/close or motion. The alarmLevel sensors it adds will work because they report 0 or 255 for open/close or motion detected but I want to be able to use them with Alarmo and other things.

What is the best way to accomplish this? Can I add helpers or something to change the 0/255 to open/close etc? Can I add a virtual sensor or something and use an automation to change it based on the alarmLevel numbers? Just trying to figure out the best way to handle these in HA. Or if there is something like drivers code in hubitat someone wrote to do just that.

Liking HA so far but I really dont want to buy all new sensors for these, so any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

Open the binary sensor entity settings and change “Show as” to Door or Motion. This is mostly cosmetic though, it changes the default icon and the state text. State triggers and conditions in automations will still use “on” or “off”.

Thanks and that would be great if the on/off actually worked or had the “show as” option. I do use the show as option for plugs that I want to show as lights for lamps. So it is handy, but these sensors need to use the alarmLevel and 0 or 255. Attached screenshots.

could only put one per post… and had to wait 4 mins to post again.

OK I guess I took your question too literally.

I would love to use them with HA but it adds them as binary sensors

Check your disabled entities, are there any actual binary sensors there? Feel free to post the device diagnostic. There should be a binary sensor as this device had a problem in the past and it was fixed. Maybe it’s broken again with latest changes.

Map Basic CC::Set to Binary Sensor for WADWAZ-1 and WAPIRZ-1

(from node-zwave-js/CHANGELOG.md at 9a965250d23687a2348b97288c67699169b66545 · zwave-js/node-zwave-js · GitHub).

Otherwise, you can create a binary sensor using a template if you want to use alarm level. https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/template/#ui-configuration

I enabled everything and the only thing that changes via motion is the alarmLevel. If this is something that was supposed to be fixed to map the numbers to actual open/close or motion should I open another issue? It would be great if these worked like that because I am assuming that is what SmartThings and Hubitat are doing.

For the temp work around if it is fixed again later… I just use the template and choose door/window or motion and then enter code in “State template*” field?

Thanks again for all the help!

The fix I referenced maps Basic Set commands (those are your light entities) to Binary Sensor (that would be a binary_sensor entity). The alarm level ones aren’t needed in that case. If this was working properly the lights would not exist (see PSA: Upcoming Z-Wave JS changes and Z-Wave certification - how it impacts you).

That fix was for Z-Wave JS v7.2.1 in 2021. It’s now over 3 years later and Z-Wave JS is at v13 (not sure which version you are using but it’s at least v12.11_). Obviously a lot has changed since then, including changes to Basic Command Class

I would open an issue at node-zwave-js, including all the information it asks for, including a driver debug log of a re-interview, and showing the devices being operated.

I’ve never created a template sensor with the UI. If it doesn’t do what you need, you can do it in YAML. Device class is used to set window/motion/etc. Template - Home Assistant

Thanks again. I opened the issue here:

That is the correct place right? I saw it said something about opening one with home assistant core which they provided a link to if it should go there?

That’s the right place. However apparently your logs shows the devices are working properly.

Node 19 has binary_sensor.den_motion_sensor_sensor_state_any and Node 20 has binary_sensor.patio_door_sensor_sensor_state_any (which is why I asked for the device diagnostic).

If that’s the case, the real problem is that the light entities are provided (Basic CC), when they should be hidden.

Example from logs:

  1. Node reports Basic Set 255
  2. Driver translates to Set to a Report
  3. Driver translates Basic Report 255 to Binary Sensor Report true (on)
  4. Driver notifies application about binary sensor report to on
  5. HA updates state of binary sensor entity binary_sensor.den_motion_sensor_sensor_state_any to True (on)
2024-07-26T00:21:37.049Z DRIVER « [Node 019] [REQ] [BridgeApplicationCommand]
                                  │ RSSI: -77 dBm
                                      target value: 255
2024-07-25 20:21:37.060 INFO (MainThread) [zwave_js_server.server] 2024-07-26T00:21:37.051Z:
2024-07-26T00:21:37.051Z CNTRLR   [Node 019] treating BasicCC::Set as a report
2024-07-25 20:21:37.061 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server.server] 2024-07-26T00:21:37.053Z:
2024-07-26T00:21:37.053Z CNTRLR   [Node 019] [~] [Binary Sensor] Any: false => true                 [Endpoint 0]
2024-07-25 20:21:37.061 DEBUG (MainThread) [zwave_js_server] Received message:
WSMessage(type=<WSMsgType.TEXT: 1>, data='{"type":"event","event":{"source":"node","event":"value updated","nodeId":19,"args":{"commandClassName":"Binary Sensor","commandClass":48,"property":"Any","endpoint":0,"newValue":true,"prevValue":false,"propertyName":"Any"}}}', extra='')

2024-07-25 20:21:37.061 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.zwave_js] [binary_sensor.den_motion_sensor_sensor_state_any] Value Any/None changed to: True

ah ok… so hide the basic cc’s and use the sensor any states for both? does the door sensor go true/false or open/close? I can’t see those change in the UI and event log on the right doesn’t show those as changing either.

ok got it… I can set that any sensor to door or motion to get it to report right. thank you for your help… i will close the issue i opened.

Z-Wave JS should hide the Basic CC, still a bug.

got it. thank you. i really appreciate the help. you saved my night and i am moving the rest of the senors now.

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