GoControl ZWave stick not able to detect Device

Hi All,

I have been using HomeAssistant for couple of months now and had Zipato Zipabox V2 and have been using MQTT to connect to HomeAssistant. Recently I have bought Nortek HUSBZB-1 stick and was trying to move all my ZWave devices to new controller.

I have installed the ZWave AddOn and Integration and able to see the controller in there. But when I try to add new Device, it is not detecting the new device. I did exclude the switch from previous controller and did a reset of the switch relay but its still not working when I try to add into Nortek controller. I tried adding back the same relay into Zipabox and it works without any issues.

I did search through the forums for similar issues but couldnt find any related solutions.

Can anyone please help with this issue as if any configuration is required on the Controller or any Firmware update is required?

Im from India and the Controller Im using is Amazon.in