Gogogate 2 wireless sensor integration?

Anybody here know how to get the temperature and battery information from the wireless sensor integrated into HA? The Gogogate 2 opening and closing of the garage door works great…it would be cool to get the other information integrated, too.
If there’s a way to do this, please share. I have Hassio running on a raspberry pi 3.

i would like to get this as well!

Me too! Especially for Automation.

i use the open and close status currently but not tempatures or battery sensors.

Obviously the door status is of paramount importance and thankfully it is working perfectly. I am grateful to whoever got this integration into HA. Nonetheless, there is also the battery and temp data available, and more access and usability we have over our data, the better each individual’s situation is for his or her automation needs.

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Has anyone solved this? I would love to have the status of the battery level and temperature.