Hey all, I’m UK based, starting out on my Solar Journey. You can read all about it on my blog (https://www.deviousweb.com/2022/08/01/im-going-green/) not much to report yet, but the ESPHOME code is well under way, as is the design of the electronics which will be in the next blog post.
Feel free to comment, laugh at me or encourage me as I feel my way though this (for me) new topic.
Of course, it will all be integrated into Home assistant for reporting and control!
I will be using the Enphase Envoy S Metered, and a custom built control system to adjust the angle of the panels relative to the Sun.
Christ, one heatwave and now they’re doing solar in the UK
Wow, sounds interesting.
Solar modules that follow the sun, affordable, simple and can be implemented by the normal handyman who is enthusiastic about technology. THE horror for our governments :-))
Devil’s stuff, free energy for the foot soldiers, no wonder these political puppets try to counteract this with all finesse, at the same time you should install expensive systems registered as house builders, of course fully taxed
Regardless, keep us posted. I’m curious!
I am interested to see the implementation of the linear actuator and struts.
I am interested to see the implementation of the linear actuator and struts.
I’ll post pictures once done
as an update, i have the relays and angle sensors all wired and coded.
Initially, I was going to wire the MPU6050 sensors back to a single ESP32, however IC2 does not like long distances, so I have opted for a wemos D1 mini next to each sensor. The angles below are way off as they are just sitting on my desk currently!
The relays are interlocked, so only one actuator can operate at a time (just to keep the power draw down)
The 3 silver boxes on the right are RJ45 sockets which I will use to connect 5v to the D1 Mini/MPU6050s on the panels