Good article or doc about configuring logging?

Is there a good article about how to configure appropriate levels of logging for Home Assistant?

I’ve read through the doc topics on logger:, history:, recorder:, and so on, and I confess I still have a lot of questions. I’m not finding the information I need to create a sensible logging configuration.

Before I spend a lot of time on research and experimentation, is there already a good resource available? Maybe not official doc, but something elsewhere?

Questions I still have:

  • What is written where?
  • What is viewable where?
  • logger: vs. recorder: vs. history: vs. logbook:
  • Logbook vs. History vs. Log Viewer vs. Developer Tools > Logs vs. Supervisor > System > System log
  • What’s useful to save, vs. what’s not?
  • What are all of these different back ends, and why would I choose one over the others? Why would I change from the default?
  • If I’ve installed InfluxDB, and set it up with HA, how does that relate to the other logging?

And so on. There’s a lot to understand here, and I’m just not finding the details I (think I) need to make sensible configuration decisions. Thanks!

Logging all goes to one file in your config directory named home-assistant.log. Readable in the dev tools but I usually use cat, less, grep, the normal log viewing tools. This serves the same purpose as the log file in any program. It informs you of errors and successes.

Recording goes to your database, usually home-assistant_v2.db. Readble via anything that can read a sqlite database.

History page and logbook page draw from the database.

You mean the different databases? mysql or mariadb or postgresql will be faster and more robust than sqlite, but more ocmplex to set up.

Personal preference.