Good selection of PoE sensors?

In reference to New HA powered house plans
I’m looking for reasonable selection of PoE sensors:

  • PIR/mmWave presence
  • temperature, humidity sensors (indoor)
  • smoke

I don’t want DIY stuff, I don’t have time and skills to assembly them.

PoE because:

  1. I don’t want to care about changing batteries
  2. If they could communicate with HA server over ethernet, it would be great, but might also be wifi or zigbee

There’s a rich selection of Zigbee and Wifi sensors, but all battery powered.
Any hints?

Unfortunately I’ve never seen PoE versions of any of those sensor types. USB-C, yeah, but never PoE.

With that said, there are PoE to USB-C RJ-45 adapters usually costing between $20-$40 US. I use them with my Raspberry Pis and they work pretty well.

$20 for POE to USB alone is quite ridiculous markup to count on top of each sensor. It will be cheaper to connect 230V cables everywhere (I’m still at the design phase for the house) and just attach USB chargers everywhere.

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I don’t disagree. :man_shrugging: I was answering your question and offering an alternative should you be dead set on going with PoE. :blush:

Got it :slight_smile:
Any recommendation for USB charged sensors? Tuya and other popular brands don’t have them…

You can buy battery delete kits or just run wires to every device. The #1 thing you need to pay attention to is the voltage of the device. If you apply too much voltage you will cook the device. Here’s a picture of me powering a z-wave device that takes coin cell batteries with a power supply.

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I made my own.

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