Good thermostat for a baseboard heater

I can confirm that the Sinopé TH1123ZB zigbee model works well with zigbee2mqtt. As mentioned it does not have a native programming feature but I do all of that with HA so it hasn’t been a deal breaker. I use it for a small baseboard heater.

Glad to hear it.

It’s a deal breaker for me because it doesn’t comply with the design philosophy I’ve followed since I started home automation as a hobby in 2006. The gist of it is that failure of the home automation system should not impact basic household operations such as lighting, HVAC, and security.

All three can operate independently (and transparently) in the event the HA system fails. Therefore the lighting can still be operated manually, the alarm system continues to monitor and report issues, and the HVAC system heats/cools the home according to its schedule.

I like the clean, compact style of Sinope’s thermostats (reminds me of some of Aube’s thermostats). However, its inability to retain a schedule means, in the event of a controller failure, it defaults to behaving as a non-programmable thermostat.

In the event of a controller failure, what is the thermostat’s default temperature setpoint? Does it default to using the last temperature it was set to?

Well, it doesn’t have a programmable schedule but it does have a up and down temp buttons. If the HA connection is lost it just stays at the current temp unless manually changed with the buttons.

OK, my assumption was correct; it defaults to behaving as a basic, non-programmable thermostat (i.e. a CDN$15 thermostat):

  • If it loses connection during the ‘morning/wake up’ period it will maintain a warm room all day.
  • If it loses it during the ‘night/sleep’ schedule then you wake up in a cold room.

When you consider the device costs 3, 4, or even 5 times as much as a non-smart, programmable thermostat, that’s a very low level of performance for a failure mode.

I really wish the team behind Aube’s thermostats would get the green light to enter this market. I just bought their TH303 (on sale for CDN$28, regularly 35). Compact design, backlit LCD screen (white background) with auto-dim, up to 4 periods per day, each day can have its own schedule, ability to override the schedule for X hours, clock is DST-aware, and all programming survives a power failure. All it needs is Zigbee or Z-Wave connectivity (or Wi-Fi) and even at twice the price it would be a very competitive product (with a superior failure mode).

I totally agree that it is WAY over-priced but I didn’t see many alternatives. It was a bit of a splurge buy.

My zigbee2mqtt network has been very stable lately with a combination of Xiaomi sensors, Hue and Tradfri bulbs. The Sinope has worked flawlessly and also is an excellent repeater device.

I do like that through HA I can do things like lower the temperature when no one is home and other automations. So I do lose the usual program features but I gain the HA automations.

I have a bunch of Aube’s in other rooms as unfortunately, I have only electric heating.

Little update, I’ve been using a Mysa in the past month or so and it’s working great! I already noticed a big upgrade over my consumption.

I had a few questions about this as I was about to jump on them.

How easy was it to work with HA. Does it have a programmable function on device which can be used if HA isn’t available ?

I’m looking for a baseboard thermostat that works WITHOUT any internet access…as far as I know HomeKit and MySa require internet access to work. Can you confirm that HomeKit and MySa work with ZERO INTERNET ACCESS, not even to “setup” the device?

You didn’t specify protocol. StelPro Ki series (Z-Wave and Zigbee) are local no internet ever needed. Sinope has Zigbee T-Stats as well.

The HomeKit communications protocol doesn’t require internet access.

The Mysa thermostat, like most “smart” devices sold nowadays, does require internet access, at least initially, to setup an account. However, afterwards, it doesn’t need Internet access (or a hub) to execute its heating schedule, only for remote-access to the device (or updating its firmware). It can be accessed locally via the HomeKit protocol.

If you’re looking for a line-voltage smart thermostat that doesn’t require any internet access, not even for creating an account, then you’ll probably have to look elsewhere. Sinope makes two kinds of line-voltage thermostat, one requires internet access and the other, which uses Zigbee, (to the best of my limited knowledge) does not. However, don’t take my word for it; confirm it for yourself or wait for someone who uses Sinope’s Zigbee-based thermostats to confirm.

Here’s a learning experience I’m going to share to hopefully save someone else wasted time and money:

  1. Do not buy the Stelpro STZB402+ zigbee controlled thermostat if you are using a HUSBZB-1 and Hassbian, after time HA drops the connection and you won’t be able to communicate with your device.
  2. zigbee2mqtt DOES NOT WORK with HUSBZB-1

sorry for the late late reply, I’ve tested mysa without internet access. worked like a charm

Not sure I follow. Are you meaning without internet and manual control or are you meaning using it with HomeKit? HomeKit would be local control which is currently the only option I’m aware of for local control of Mysa.

yes, I installed the mysa through homekit on homeassistant and I unplugged my modem to test it out. I was able to control it without any problem. The mysa app tho didn’t seem to work but I had tons of trouble with it even with internet enabled so it might be something else.

Awesome information. Thanks for the follow up. Are you using the HASS HomeKit Controller or do you have an iOS device managing HomeKit?

HASS HomeKit only.

Very cool.

Anyone using the Sinope with an Elelabs Zigbee adapter?
I think I would rather order it over the Stelpro Z-Wave but it seems the only way to order is from Amazon (ship and sold by Sinope) with $23 shipping and possibly a 50% restocking fee if I return it.

Writing that out… I think I’ll try the Stelpro from Home Depot first, heh

Sinope product can be purchased directly on Sinope website. Shipping is free for order over 50$.
I presently have Elelabs zigbee usb adapter and it work with sinope zigbee devices.
I’ve also custom components to manage all sinope devices connected on GT125 or GT130 via there neviweb platform.

To update some feedback, I have had several of the Z-wave Stelpro Ki for a few years and recently had to add a STZB402+ Zigbee for the one fan heater in the house (Z wave version does not support fan for some reason). With the thermostat now added to zigbee2mqtt device list it has been working in sync for a few weeks under Hassio on a Rpi2 with a Sonoff CC2531 dongle. It took quite a while for the entities to show up but they eventually did.