Just found this (it’s from May’17) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDI0H9F08n8 and as Im discovering Hassio and configuring it, am I wrong to think that Hassio could be made redundant with this from google?
Nah don’t worry if anything I think it looks a nice way to integrate Hass with Google Home
Yea, I like Hass, because it gives me more customisability, but right now my PI Hass and Google Home Speaker doesn’t know about eachother. It’s nice to have a GUI to controll devices from Hass, but for that I need MQTT FW (on Sonoffs), and with Tasmota/ESPeasy the sonoffs aren’t visible to google
Yes I thought that Google Actions could be used to integrate MQTT devices with the original GH speaker from what I’ve gathered. Is anyone on this? Would be great!
Try Espurna. It has Alexa and Home support if I’m not mistaken.
From what I’ve read there:
“Google Assistant integration using IFTTT and Webhooks (Google Home, Allo)”
I can do that also with S
I don’t want to add another service/server in the whole process. I could make the whole idea more unreliable, and based of third-party services that could go down in the future.
I’m confused. This is pretty much exactly how the integration currently works. What am I missing?
You’re missing nothing.
The point of Home Assistant is that cloud is optional - you can build a system that doesn’t require the Internet. Google’s platform, one of a very many other platforms out there, will be cloud first.
Thinking that Google creating a home automation platform will make Home Assistant redundant is like thinking that Tesla making self driving cars will put Ford out of business